Kinect E-Book

So… have you ever wanted to make Reading more interesting for Key Stage 3? Or Anyone in fact? Well now you can!

I got speaking to Stuart Ball the other day and he had this amazing idea about creating a Kinect E-Book. The E-Book would allow you to use gestures to change pages etc… After a few nights hard work, I have come up with something that may be useful to someone. You can read out the book and you can also hover over pictures related to the story line. This will then play a sound effect based on the story.  kinectebookpicture

You can simply go into the application folder and add 4 lines of text to each page. The great benefits are that you could get your whole class to come up with a story together. At the moment, you can have 7 pages but I am working on expanding this. You can edit a text file in each folder, edit the “.wav” files and edit the pictures. Once you have done this, run the code and you’re away Smile. I’m going to try this as a form activity soon but I also hope to try and get some good Kodu stories written for games based learning.

This would also be just as useful in other contexts. If you were a music teacher, you could use the lines to describe an instrument and all you would need to do is change the image and the appropriate wav file of your instrument. You could get all of the students collaborating to come up with a music e-book together.

To run the application, you will need to have the Kinect SDK installed and you will probably need visual studio express installed. Once you have these installed, you will only need to edit each text file in the folder. You hover your hand over the left edge in order to go back a page and you hover your hand over the right edge to go forward a page.

Click here to access my sky drive folder. You will find two zip files, one of these files will show you the source code and the other is the application you can run.

Feel free to download the source code and to play around with it but please notify me if you intend to use any of the apps or information on your own pages. I would also be excited to see what impact some of the applications have had.

Kinect E-Book

About Raymond David James Chambers

I am the Lead teacher of computing at Brooke Weston Academy in Corby Northamptonshire. Previously I was the head of IT/Computing at Uppingham Community College. In 2015 I won the Gold National Teaching award for Innovative use of technology. I also won the 2015 Young Game Bafta - Mentor award. I'm keen to help students achieve their best and like to give them opportunities to do this. I have a passion for teaching and I enjoy meeting other people and sharing their ideas. I have a keen interest in games development as well as developing the use of ICT in classrooms across the curriculum. In my spare time I teach Irish dancing. I have been Irish dancing since I was 11. My highest position was 14th at the world championships 3 years running and 2nd at the Great Britain Championships in 2006.
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2 Responses to Kinect E-Book

  1. Nice one Ray, will try this out.

  2. Pingback: Using the Kinect to build a NUI E-Book | Ra Puke Moana

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