Lesson 6–Coding 4 Fun toolkit fix

programmingIt has come to my attention that some people have been downloading my applications and they have been having problems with the designer. A lot of people are getting the error messages appearing at the bottom of their screen to do with the “Hover Controls” or “Coding 4 fun” meta data.

This video walks you through how to get rid of this error message and it shows you how to get back to the design so that you can play around with it. I have used one of my earlier applications “Digestive System” to help people see how I also get this error message.

There are a few requirements: –

  • Download an application or sample file
  • Download the coding 4 fun tool kit and extract it somewhere
  • Kinect
  • Kinect SDK
  • Visual Studio 2010 with C# or Visual Studio Express with C#
Kinect SDK–Coding 4 Fun errors….

About Raymond David James Chambers

I am the Lead teacher of computing at Brooke Weston Academy in Corby Northamptonshire. Previously I was the head of IT/Computing at Uppingham Community College. In 2015 I won the Gold National Teaching award for Innovative use of technology. I also won the 2015 Young Game Bafta - Mentor award. I'm keen to help students achieve their best and like to give them opportunities to do this. I have a passion for teaching and I enjoy meeting other people and sharing their ideas. I have a keen interest in games development as well as developing the use of ICT in classrooms across the curriculum. In my spare time I teach Irish dancing. I have been Irish dancing since I was 11. My highest position was 14th at the world championships 3 years running and 2nd at the Great Britain Championships in 2006.
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