Lesson 9–Kinect Speech Recognition

So now that you have the drag and drop working, you might want to manipulate a text box to change each time you say something. For example, every time I say “apple” the text box will update to say apple. This lesson is going to show you how to do this, however you need to make sure you have the following 3 files installed before you can get speech recognition working on your Kinect:

  • Kinect for Windows Runtime Language Pack
  • Microsoft Speech Platform – Software Development Kit
  • Microsoft Speech Platform – Server Runtime

Click here to download all the install files and the sample files. Make sure you install the speech recognition software on your computer first. With BETA 2.0 there isn’t any speech recognition platform built in, however I have heard that it will be in the full version when released.

Kinect Speech Recognition–SDK

About Raymond David James Chambers

I am the Lead teacher of computing at Brooke Weston Academy in Corby Northamptonshire. Previously I was the head of IT/Computing at Uppingham Community College. In 2015 I won the Gold National Teaching award for Innovative use of technology. I also won the 2015 Young Game Bafta - Mentor award. I'm keen to help students achieve their best and like to give them opportunities to do this. I have a passion for teaching and I enjoy meeting other people and sharing their ideas. I have a keen interest in games development as well as developing the use of ICT in classrooms across the curriculum. In my spare time I teach Irish dancing. I have been Irish dancing since I was 11. My highest position was 14th at the world championships 3 years running and 2nd at the Great Britain Championships in 2006.
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9 Responses to Lesson 9–Kinect Speech Recognition

  1. Pingback: Interesting Links 02 January 2012 | MSDN Blogs

  2. Joe says:

    Can I say I am so lucky yo find ur work!!!
    It has been a great help to me!!!
    But here is a question….
    I have trying to compile the speech recognition on my PC
    But it got :
    “System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException error at PresentationFramework.dll”
    Any idea why this keeps showing?
    I had follow every step u mentioned in the video….

    • raychambers says:

      Hi Joe, would it be possible for you to email me your solution you have made? Zip the whole folder and I can see if I can spot anything obvious and get straight back to you 🙂

      • Joe says:

        I just download the project you provide on your site!
        And I try add those code in my project too and got same error…
        So I believe that your code you provide is correct!
        I am thinking maybe is the Speech recognition SDK problem?
        Maybe I download the wrong version or something…
        Any thought?
        Thanks for reply…

    • raychambers says:

      Hi jo…. Did you not install the 3 files in the sample? I put 3 install files in there. These were the ones you should install.

  3. Joe says:

    Well…How stupid I am….
    I forgot to install the other 2 files…
    Thanks you so much!!!!

  4. Mohit says:

    I have edited this code a little bit. I have added a string which holds the command. I am moving the images using this string. For example, when I say apple, the string changes to apple and it moves the apple and as soon as I say drop, it drops it. I was thinking of adding more functionality to this by making both the hands work(each hand holding an image). But, only the right hand holds the orange and the apple moves towards the top left corner of the window and stays there. Here’s the code:
    if (audioIns == “pick”)
    Canvas.SetLeft(orange, handright.Position.X);
    Canvas.SetTop(orange, handright.Position.Y);
    Canvas.SetLeft(apple, handleft.Position.X);
    Canvas.SetTop(apple, handleft.Position.Y);
    When the user says pick the string changes to pick and then this is carried out. In the beginning of the function you have a vector initialized for the right hand. I have made the same for the left hand also.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank You

  5. hi,, i, m a beginner in kinect

    i wanna ask, can kinect detect other language for the keyword (not in english)???

    thanks for your help

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